A World Without Swimming?

It’s never too late to learn to be safe around water . . .

We at SwimWest don’t usually follow celebrity gossip but the recent news about 40-year-old performer, John Legend, created quite the buzz even among us. He announced via Twitter that “he couldn’t really swim.” So, at the ripe age of middle age and for the first time, he’s learning how to swim. His announcement went into detail about doing it the smart way. He enrolled himself in swim lessons with a certified instructor and committed to tackling the challenge.

We congratulate Mr. Legend for taking the plunge but this news got us thinking. What would a life without being able to appreciate the fun water brings to our daily life be like? Would a world without the recreational fun water offers be any fun at all? What do we love most about swim lessons and our swim school? With questions like these, it was essential to get the best answers we could. And who better to ask than our young SwimWest swimmers? Below are some of the responses from a few of the children in Mr. Kyle’s Seal Level Swim Class. We think they pretty much nailed it!

“I really like Mr. Kyle and my favorite part is diving. I love going to the beach with my family!”

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“I love going under the water with goggles so I can see. Water slides are really fun!”-Emerson

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“I like learning ‘little bird, big bird – squeeze’ – it’s a great swim move I know now. It’s important to learn to swim to be safe!” – Jax

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