How to Maximize Your Time at Baby Swim Lessons

Whether you’re a brand new swim parent or you’ve had several kids make their way through swim lessons in the past, baby swim lessons can throw even the most seasoned parents for a loop. The thing is…every child handles the water differently, and the swim experience is...

4 Spooky Ways to Bring Halloween To the Bathtub

Here at SwimWest, we know baths are important for more than just getting your child clean – they help set the stage for water safety, swim lesson readiness and of course, FUN! That’s why this month we’re sharing ways to take your child’s bath to the next level...

How Swim Lessons Help Kids Play Other Sports

As school starts for another year, so do ALL the fall activities – specifically, fall sports. Football. Soccer. Fall ball. Gymnastics. Whatever your child is into, there is likely a sport starting this month. With the chaos of those precious few after school...