2024 Curriculum/Level FAQs
Why did SwimWest change the names of their class levels?
In alignment with our core values, “We consistently look for and embrace changes that make us better”, a recent customer survey shared that families found it difficult to understand and navigate through the levels of our program. In an effort to make it easier for parents, we streamlined the number of levels in our program from 13 to 12, and we have simplified the naming of the levels so that it is easier for our families to self-select into a class and understand their swimmer’s water safety journey.
Will my class day and time change because of this?
No. Unless contacted by a member of your location’s management team, no changes have been made to your child’s class schedule.
Will my child’s class look any different?
You may see some differences in the new curriculum. Based on the level of your child, you may notice the instructors being more hands on with your child. In our Kid’s and Advanced levels you will also notice your child swimming in a box drill which will result in additional swim turns for your child. You may also notice that based on the level and your child’s skill set, there may be floatation used with your child.
Will the skill’s my child is learning be any different?
No. We have not changed any of the skills that we teach in our curriculum. However, based on the new curriculum certain skills may be taught a little differently using different verbiage.
Will my child still be evaluated regularly?
Yes. Our goal is to evaluate your swimmer every 4 weeks and communicate progress updates to you following those evaluations.
How long will it take my child to move up through the new levels?
Every child learns at a different pace, and each level has 6 major benchmark skills that your child will be required to master prior to moving up to the next level. We anticipate that with consistent attendance, your child should begin to master a benchmark every 4-5 weeks and continue in a similar rhythm after that until all the class benchmarks are achieved.
Will my teacher be the same?
We do our best to keep the same teacher in class. However schedules do change periodically for our instructors and for the location, so you may see different teachers in class. No matter which teacher you have, though, please know that they all have successfully completed the same training program and will work with your swimmer on their specific swim skill benchmarks.
How will I know the name of the level that my child is in now?
You can stop by the front desk at your next lesson to speak with our customer service team to find that information for you. You also can log in to your customer portal and verify your swimmer’s level online.
How many levels are there now?
We now have 12 levels in our program.
How will I know what skills my child has to achieve in order to move up?
Your child will continue to be evaluated every 4 weeks. Upon completion of your child’s evaluation, a Team Manager will speak with you about your swimmer while also using a new level map to show their progress towards the ultimate class goals. These level maps can be requested at the front desk of your specific location at any time.